For Businesses

Monitor and act on the air quality in your office, store, restaurant, or gym with CidSense.

CidSense Dashboard on laptop

Why Airthings for Businesses?

Monitor and act on the air quality in your office, store, restaurant, or gym to create a healthier environment.

Take Action

Visualize the air you breathe and know when you need to improve air quality with CidSense.


Use data to optimize ventilation and lightning to lower energy consumption and boost your sustainability efforts.


Improve the health, wellbeing and productivity of your visitors and employees.

Features & Benefits

Air Quality Certificate

Demonstrate your commitment to air quality with our in your business.

Simple Installation

Quick and easy installation with our wireless air quality monitors means fast installation with no expertise, drilling, or wiring required.

User-Friendly Dashboard

The Airthings Dashboard includes customizable private and public dashboards, indoor air quality reports, configurable alerts, real-time and historical data.


Know when you need to take action on poor air quality with customizable notification options through dashboard, Slack, email and more.


Virtual Sensors

Let’s Talk

Are you ready to implement the Airthings sensor network at your place of business? Contact us to learn more about monitoring the air quality in your building today.