For Schools

Monitor and improve the air quality in your school to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment.

Measure the Classroom Air Quality

50% of schools in the United States have been diagnosed with poor indoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality can decrease alertness, productivity, and test scores, as well as increase sick leave for both students and teachers. Studies show that classroom CO2 levels of 2500 ppm had much worse test scores than at 1000 ppm2.


Boost Performance

Improve productivity of students and staff, reduce absenteeism, and create a healthy environment.

Access Data

Easily Visualize, manage, and share historical and live air quality data with stakeholders.

Get the Full Picture

Gain deeper insights into your HVAC system operation, management of filtration, and ventilation rates.

Be Compliant

Easily comply with CO2 regulations and recommendations, and create trust with parents, teachers, and students.

Save Money

Optimize building operation and energy consumption, save money, and increase ROI.


Virtual Sensors

Homeroom Classroom with two CidSigns TVs Displaying information.

Share Sensor Data on Signage Displays

Leverage to share Environmental data throughout the school. Installed in entrances meeting rooms and classrooms, advertise good air quality to let students, teachers, and parents feel safer.

How CidSense can Help Your School

Case study: Life Chiropractic College West
Case study: Life Chiropractic College West

How facility managers transformed indoor air quality at Life Chiropractic CollegeThe Challenge Life Chiropractic College West is a private college that specializes in teaching a ‘Doctor of Chiropractic’ degree program in Haywood, California. Over 600 students study at...

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Become WELL Certified

Take a step towards certification and learn about WELL international certifications, and how Cidsense can help you get there!

Want to Find the Right Solution for your School?

Are you ready to implement the Airthings sensor network in your school? Contact us to learn more about monitoring the air quality in your building today.